Trees Can Wreak Havoc During A Storm
2/25/2020 (Permalink)
Heavy rain mixed with high winds can wreak havoc on weak and stressed trees, causing branches to snap or trees to uproot. Take a walk around the perimeter of your home. Are your trees ready for the next storm?
Hurricane season is approaching faster than we know — and with hurricanes sometimes comes property damage. High winds are not the only culprit to the damage your house can occur during a storm. Property damage can also be a result of falling trees and flying landscape debris. The key to minimizing your risk against property damage is storm preparedness.
There is no such thing as a hurricane-resistant landscape but with proper care and timely maintenance overseen by a certified and licensed arborist, trees can survive the storm!
Pruning is Vital Component to Hurricane Damage Prevention
A strong, deep-rooted tree may not fall during a storm, but weak limbs buried in the canopy may cause an issue. Broken, dead and damaged limbs can be torn from trees during a storm and turned into dangerous projectiles.
Regular pruning done by an arborist over the course of the tree’s life can create a sturdy, well-spaced framework of healthy branches with an open canopy that allows wind to flow freely through.
Trees to Watch Out For
Trees with dense canopies
Dead or dying trees
Trees with codominant trunks
New plantings and young trees
Consult a certified arborist to see if these, or any other tree hazards, exist around your home.